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I was the proverbial fat kid until I took a serious interest in my health and fitness my junior year of high school. I was tired of feeling less than what I knew I was capable of achieving. I wanted to drop the weight, become as strong as I could, and feel comfortable in my own skin. I started where any impressionable teenage kid would: magazines, through the grapevine, the internet, places we have all looked. It wasn’t until college when I took my first health science and weight lifting course that things really fell into place. I dropped the weight, gained strength as well as confidence in my own abilities. I studied, trained, and, wanted to help others achieve their fitness goals. I eventually found my way into the fitness industry. I came in as an eager newbie. I worked hard, and studied my way up to becoming a Fitness Director, and, felt privileged to see so many clients discover their true potential and strength.
To better understand the needs of my law enforcement and fire fighter candidate clients, I have studied several departmental physical fitness standards, and even taken some myself, including the California Fire Fighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee’s Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) and passed.
I look forward to continuing serving others in their fitness journeys, and can’t wait to see you finish strong with finish fit®.
level 5 finish fit® Personal trainer and
boot camp instructor
In high school I was a cross country runner. I was fit and felt great. My story changed when I started college. I focused so much on school that I lost sight of my health and fitness. I gained 50lb over 5 years and my cholesterol shot through the roof. The funny part was, I didn't realize how overweight I was until I took a good look at my license photo...WOW! I was shocked, so, I hired a personal trainer and put myself on a healthy diet. It wasn't long before my trainer told me that he landed a gig on the show "Workout” with Jackie Warner. Understandably, he left to pursue his dreams. The next question for me was: now what? I studied fitness, got certified, and started working as a trainer. I worked at various big chain fitness clubs eventually becoming the fitness manager. Presently, I’ve started my own fitness company.
I've dedicated the last 27 years to changing lives. I've helped thousands of folks get fit, and now I'm about to do the same for you. Finish Fit®, LLC is dedicated to ALL of you who are struggling with your health just as I did. I’m here to help change your life, just as my trainer helped change mine. Will you finish it with Finish fit®?
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